Support Climate Education

Partner with us and reduce future carbon emissions


If just 16% of children in the developed world receive climate education it can have the same impact as removing 504 million cars from the road.

Human inertia is the biggest threat to the fight against climate change

The peril of today

Climate change is a human rights issue. Children born today are much more likely to experience extreme weather events compared to previous generations. They are facing the challenges of climate change that they have no role in creating.  

But you can help change this…

Climate education has the power to reduce carbon emissions and is key to ensuring climate justice. It prepares children to deal with the climate challenges ahead.   

You can be a part of this movement with us at Earth Warriors by sponsoring schools and giving every child access to the quality climate education they deserve.

Benefits for you

We offer a unique opportunity for organisations to help reduce future carbon emissions by supporting climate education for children.

Empower children & reduce future carbon emissions

Appeal to a growing climate- conscious consumer base

Meet ESG criteria required by investors

Help achieve SDGs 4, 12 and 13

Get recognised on our website and in campaigns

Get a chance to visit and volunteer at sponsored schools

Ensure climate justice

Help Decrease Human Inertia

Our Work in Zambia & Botswana with Theirworld

We are proud to be working with Theirworld to bring climate & sustainability education to 20 community schools and early learning centres in Botswana and Zambia. We reaching 2700 students and 100 teachers through our progamme. 

“We are excited to work with Earth Warriors, an innovative women-led social enterprise that is helping to deliver climate education to young children with a positive, empowering approach. As we are facing a climate emergency, this work has never been more important.” 

 – Laura Lombardo , Senior Project Manager,  Theirworld

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